What’s REALLY Causing Your Stress and Fear?



I have a confession to make…


I still have waves of intense stress and fear.  


Not just the nervous jitters.  


But intense stress and fear.  


If you’ve been a follower of mine for a while, chances are, you know how I write often about the disease of fear, and how it will ravage you if you allow it to.  


But like many of you, I still get into it.  


I fear ⇒ I worry ⇒ I don’t sleep well ⇒ I get into negative thought loops.  


And it happened as recently as this past weekend.  As an entrepreneur and a fellow human being in Earth School, I find that it happens quite often.


I teach about this, so I have to admit that when fear shows up so intensely, I get taken aback. I mean, shouldn’t I have the tools to deal with this by now?


But, {{ first_name }}, I am human.  And I wanted to let you know that I, like you, still get in fear.  I am not a robot.  


I tell you this because I want you to know that it’s ok to feel whatever you’re feeling.  (I’ve noticed that there is this dialogue going on right now about staying out of fear).  


But like so many things, this is an oversimplified statement, isn’t it?  


While staying out of fear is a noble concept, I want to emphasize that unless you were created through artificial means, or non-human,  completely staying out of fear is not possible.  


As you know, fear exists to protect us from danger. I would hate to lose my fear while my house is burning down.  


But here is what is important to avoid when it comes to fear: choosing to remain in fear, stress, and anxiety long after the fearful event has passed.  


As humans, we are unique from other animals in that we can choose to change our state at all times.  We have the ability to Create the life we want simply by deciding what we envision for our lives.  


Don’t like your life as it is?  ⇒ Choose to create something that you do like. 


Not happy with your current romantic relationship?  ⇒ Choose to not be a victim and decide to let go of the relationship, or whatever is best for you. 


Don’t like the fact that you are fearful and anxious all the time?  ⇒ Choose to be responsible for your thoughts, feelings, actions, and habits, and change your emotional state.  


For me, I was down in the dumps about a personal matter.  I chose to worry about it, which created more and more worry.  This went on for 2-3 days.  


2-3 days of energy that could have been used in spending quality time with loved ones, or creating my next project for my business.  


Until I woke up this morning and realized that I can choose how this day is going to be. 


I can choose my emotional state. 


I can create my own reality in my life. 


So here’s what I did, and I’m sharing because you can do this, too:


  1. I got back to my morning rituals. I realized I wasn’t in integrity with doing the things in the morning that set the stage for the day.

  2. I searched ‘high vibe music’ on Youtube and put my headset on. I danced, and danced, and danced like a crazy woman. And it was so fun!

  3. I immediately tackled some things on the to-do list, aka, ‘The Frogs’ that I was avoiding.


And what do you know?  I returned to my normal, positive, high energetic self in a matter of minutes, and I was back to creating my dream life. 


So, Warriors...we live in challenging times, no doubt. 


And if you are not happy with something that is happening in your outside world, you have the ability to choose how you react to it. 


You have the ability to choose to stay in fear or change your emotional state.  The 3 steps above have gotten me out of the muck literally thousands of times.  


2021 is fast approaching, Warriors.  How will you choose to BE next year?   


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When you get great opportunities, do you act on them?