The Making of an Empowered Warrior; Part 1


No matter how you are feeling about the beginning of this year, I wanted to gently come into your inbox or wherever you are reading this and remind you that you are amazing.  


The fact that you are a follower and a reader tells me that you are into self-development, and you want to grow and evolve so that you can reach your highest potential.  You realize that you are responsible for your choices and everything that happens in your life. 


I could tell you that you are perfectly imperfect, but I won’t.  I’ll let you discover that for yourself.   <3


With that said, I would love to offer you a little prayer, or meditation, or mantra; whatever word resonates with you.  

When life feels hard Warriors, repeat after me: 


I cast my feeling of (whatever difficult emotion you are feeling; disappointment, resentment, anger, jealousy) to the Divine, (or the Universe, Source, God, again, whatever makes sense to you), and I choose to be happy and at ease.  


Say it a thousand times if you have to.  Even if you don’t believe it right away.  Trust that eventually, you will believe it, and it will become part of you.  Say it and detach.  No need to attach any meaning or expectation to it.  Use your will and trust that these difficult feelings will resolve.  And they will.  


It’s easy to see how you can transform your thinking by staying committed, isn’t it?  


What you just experienced, Warriors, is an example of how I help my clients using one of my pillars, Brainset.    


It’s such a simple little nugget that packs a punch when it’s used consistently.


You’ve probably noticed that at the beginning of every year, everyone seems to come out of the woodwork with an amazing idea that is going to help you have the best year of your life, haven’t you? 


And if you’re a person and especially a solopreneur who wants to advance in life and have financial abundance, inner peace, radiance in health, and more energy, chances are, you have bought a product or a service at the beginning of the year in the past.


And if you’ve purchased something that has worked, I am so happy for you.  Keep up the good work.


But if you continue to spin your wheels, spending money on supplements, fitness memberships, diets, or coaches, let me ask you: how is this product or service different from what you’ve tried before?  


And by saying that, it is not my intention to be discouraging or negative, but it is my intention to make sure you have the right product or service that is going to give you the best results possible.  


Warrior...there are almost 8 billion humans on the planet.  So I invite you to consider this the next time you purchase something that is going to change your life:  


Will this product or service address specifically my needs in order to have the results I crave? 


When I was looking to hire a coach, I wanted someone who would be able to help guide me in changing my identity so I didn’t keep living from my old identity and habits.  


Old identity and habits=No long term change


That required someone who knew a thing or two about Brain Science and subconscious reprogramming.  


It worked so well for me, that I learned it for myself and now teach it to my clients, while continuing to serve them with my Chinese Medicine background and adding in a little (or a lot) of woo, or spirituality.  


Warrior...if I know you, chances are, I know you have tried it all...the courses, the gym memberships, the coaches...


And you still are not seeing the growth in your business or the shifts you desire in your life.

And for those who struggle with health, are you starting to notice that without your health, you won’t have a business?


Stay tuned,  I have a lot to offer you in 2021.  


I am so excited for you and your expansion this year. 


With expanded love for dinner and a conscious awareness for dessert, 


The Making of an Empowered Warrior; Part 2


4 Tips to Maintain Kidney Qi