How can I choose to show up powerfully?

It seems like everyday there are situations that come up where I could easily say I was being stuck between a rock and a hard place. 

And back in the day, let me tell you, ‘being stuck’ between other people or other situations outside of myself was a very familiar, daily feeling. 

The thing is, when I lived this way, I never felt like I could ever get ahead of my feelings of overwhelm, stress, and anxiety. 

It wasn’t until about 18 months ago when I decided to take responsibility for my life no matter what the circumstances outside of me were. 

It was then when I chose personal power as my #1 value. 

To keep me in check, I ask this question, ‘how can I show up powerfully in this situation?’

Often what follows is a pause, me closing my eyes and taking a few deep breaths. 

And my yin energy, my deepest knowing, my intuition, will quickly answer my question. 

And that, goddesses, is one way you can tune into your divine feminine energy to assist you during times of overwhelm, stress, and anxiety. 

It was because of my personal experience of being overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious that I created my unique Reclaim Your FIRE method to help my clients end the overwhelm, stress, and anxiety so that they can be peaceful,  yet powerful, and build their own inner and outer empire. 

I’m looking for 5 driven individuals to speak with this week for single session calls who are ready for change now. 

Change doesn’t happen by sitting on the sidelines, goddess. It happens when you choose to do the work. 

Schedule a single session FIRE call here or using link in my bio:


you are responsible for everything that happens in your life